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Wolfgang Nachahmer - Nachtwache (2021)

Wolfgang Nachahmer - Nachtwache

Формат: MP3, tracks, 320kbps
Дата/Год выпуска: 06.03.2021
Страна: Germany
Жанр: Berlin school, Electronic, Downtempo, Synthesizer music
Продолжительность: 01:02:18

1. Der geheime Garten (09:43)
2. Impuls (05:02)
3. Der alte Weg (04:54)
4. Belomantie (03:03)
5. Der Tag des Erwachens (04:25)
6. OB-session (09:50)
7. Über den Zaun (06:20)
8. Nachtwache (04:11)
9. Der Korridor (14:45)

Доп. информация:

Wolfgang Nachahmer still keeps being anonymus. His music is purely what you hear and not what you might expect if you knew the well known artist behind this album.

The 6th SynGate album of Wolfgang Nachahmer might be the most mature work so far. Full of versatile melodies and rhythm this composition takes you into a world of many imaginations, dreams, landscapes and phantasies. Take some time to let this album of about one hour durance settle in your mind. You will make the experience, that even after a few repeting rounds you will still explore new aspects in every track. At the same time you can decide to listen to "Nachtwache" as pleasant background company reading a book or to take your headphones and carefully listen with highest attentiveness.

Скачать бесплатно (Download free) Google Disc. Ссылка
Скачать бесплатно (Download free) Yandex Disc. Ссылка

Категория: Space Music/Berlin School | Просмотров: 444 | Добавил: mart79 | Теги: Synthesizer music, Electronic, Downtempo, Berlin School | Рейтинг: 5.0/4
Всего комментариев: 1
1 mart79 • 14:37, 04.07.2021
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